The Vos Group Monthly Gathering at Grace OPC

The Vos Group

What is a Vos Group or who is Vos?  To answer the second of these questions first, Vos refers to Geerhardus Vos, long-time professor of Biblical Theology at Old Princeton Seminary and widely recognized as the ‘theological father’ of Westminster Theological Seminary (b. 1929) and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (b.1936), having taught J. Gresham Machen, John Murray, and Cornelius Van Til, among others.
The Vos Group then is a monthly gathering of Christians wanting to benefit from the rich teaching of the Bible, through the writings of Geerhardus Vos, as the ‘history of special revelation’ as it is centered upon the Promised Seed of the woman who in the fullness of time is manifested as the Son of God come in the flesh to redeem a people for God’s own possession in order to enjoy the full blessedness of religious fellowship with our Triune God as His image-bearers (cf. Gen. 3:15; Isa. 9:6-7; Gal. 4:4; 1 Pet. 2:9-10).
Beginning on Friday, March 11 the Keegan’s will be hosting a Vos Group on the second Friday of each month at 7 PM at the manse (151 S. Broadway, Fair Lawn).
Please join us!


Dec 13 2024


19:00 GMT - 21:00 GMT


The Manse
151 S. Broadway, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410


John & Haesung Keegan

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